Our first Post Modern President selects the first Post Modern Supreme Court Justice with the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor. What does it all mean? Well what ever you want it to mean if you are a Post Modernist, because truth, after all, is relative. If you are a Post Modern thinker you manufacture your own reality based on what works for you. You determine from the richness of your extensive experience - what is true, what is just, what is morally good, what is right, what is acceptable – today… There is no bigger picture, no lasting truth, so you are left with only preferences. Hard to build a nation (or a life) on a foundation foolishly laid on the shifting sands of human preference, (which is always self serving). It will crumble, crash, burn. No basic truth system exists for the Post Modernist so reason is conveniently tossed out the window, because, well, they just don’t like it if it doesn’t serve their desires.
In selecting Sotomayor, Obama said he chose her not only because of her "brilliant" legal career, but her "wisdom accumulated from an inspiring life's journey." She has been brilliantly overturned five of the six times her decisions were brought before the Supreme Court. Oops. But don’t forget, post modern thought allows you to create your own reality, never mind those pesky facts. An inspiring life journey, while nice, does not qualify you to be on the Supreme Court. Obama also selected Sonia for her “empathy” and “common touch”. Since when does empathy trump justice? It did for a group of firefighters who sued New Haven Connecticut for tossing out the results of a promotion test they passed that happened to qualify too many whites and Hispanics for promotion but no African Americans. NOT FAIR and after they paid to have a test made that would not discriminate based on race. After all, we need a firefighting team that looks like America not those most qualified. Duh. Sotomayor empathetically sided with New Haven and against the fire fighters that deserved promotions based on their test scores but were denied them so those who flunked the promotion test (people of color) would not be discriminated against or feel bad or what??? She ruled there was no injustice on the part of New Haven as no promotions were handed out so all were treated the same… I don’t think so! Justice is no longer about the law or right and wrong, in a post modern world it is merely the empathetic preference of a “judge” using her power to redistribute justice based on her personal bias for or against a certain ethnicity or gender or… whatever. Our post modern president has already begun implementing his preference to redistribute the wealth from those who earned it by working hard to those who didn’t. Wow, what empathy. I’m going to work really hard and earn lots of money so my president can take it from me and give it someone else who doesn’t feel like working as hard as me. Remember the story the Emperor Has No Cloths? We’re living it.
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