Monday, July 20, 2009

Is Unfair Always a Bad Thing?

Life isn’t fair. Have you ever thought that or had your child bemoan that sentiment to you perhaps in response to a parental ruling just handed down? Well, life is not fair. Why do we think it should be? And when it comes down to it, what would fair actually look like? Who gets to decide what fair is? Because of differing worldviews, we would never agree as to what being fair is. Hitler thought it was fair to rid Germany of those he determined were screwing up the gene pool. He thought it only fair to the über manch to eliminate inferior genes from being passed on. I don’t think it’s fair that just because I’m over 50 I can no longer eat the same things I did at 49 and not gain weight. UNFAIR. So by fair do I mean I don’t want any unpleasant consequences and basically I want my cake and to eat it too? (without gaining weight that is)

Well there is one case of unfairness that I actually rejoice over. My salvation is unfair! I am saved from the wrath of God to come not by merit but by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus my Lord and Savior. Totally unfair! I deserve God’s wrath for committing cosmic treason against my Creator every time I sin. I deserve to go to hell. But I praise God and am so grateful for His mercy and grace who credits me with the righteousness earned by Jesus living a sinless life and also accepts on by behalf the payment given by Jesus sacrificing His perfect life on the cross in my place. I am freely given by grace what I could never earn and do not deserve based on anything found in me. I am reconciled to God through Jesus Christ my Lord. Really glad about receiving grace instead of what was fair when it comes to my salvation. Plus, since I didn’t earn it, I can’t lose it so I can rest sweetly in His grace. God thought of everything. That's why the Bible's message of salvation is called the gospel or 'Good News'. There could be no better news.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pondering the Imponderables

Do you ever lay there at night and ponder the imponderables? When I was a teenager it used to be INFINITY that blew my mind. We were taught that the universe went on forever… Now we know that is not true. It is continually expanding but it does not go on forever. So now I get to ponder, what is on the other side of the edge of the universe??? Contemplating these things is child’s play compared to contemplating God. He’s the One who spoke and the Universe came into being. God has no beginning and no end. He created time and is not bound by it. So what will existing outside of time be like? Why did God make billions of people who will choose never to accept Him as their Lord and Savior? Why did God allow this or not do that? How does God accomplish His sovereign decretive will using our free will choices that often violate His prescriptive will… and is able to work it all out for the good of those who love Him and are called by Him according to His will and purposes?

Over years of pondering the imponderables (I have only mentioned a few here) I can only speculate as to the why and end up having to be content with, "I don't know" - but that's okay. God knows and I since I must trust Him for my next breath, I think I can trust Him with the whys to my imponderables. But pondering these imponderables is not an exercise in futility. It is exercise for my mind that has helped me arrive at some solid truths.

  • Pondering these questions will either drive you to your knees in worship of your Creator or send you pridefully huffing away from Him. [Pray it is not the latter]
  • God’s ways are not our ways

    [Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. - I must accept that my finite mind cannot comprehend the infinite mind of God except for where He has sweetly stooped to lisp]

  • God does not owe me an explanation

    [(book of Job) and why possibly would the clay pot get to lip off to the potter?]

  • When ever I have the ridiculous thought that I am ever more loving, more caring, more fair than God I need to remember that the only reason I have a clue as to what loving, caring and fairness are, is because God gave me the ability to even value those qualities that are a reflection of who He is. [So, yikes. I should shut up]
  • Is this universe with all it's pain and suffering the best possible universe for God's good purposes? Many times I end with echoing Peter from John 6, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” [LORD, I believe, help my unbelief]

The heavens really do declare His righteousness, and all the peoples have seen His glory. Selah.